Can we design for a time not yet arrived? Is our motive for that design an exit from, critique of or commentary on the present moment? Can designers bring about a future? Can architecture be a revolutionary practice, serving to transform social and spatial relations simultaneously? This seminar explores architectural and urban design manifestations of “futurability,” of that which is capable of existing or occurring in the future. We will examine speculative urban-scale designs by Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Tony Garnier, June Jordan, Kisho Kurakawa, Paolo Soleri and others; architectural projects built and unbuilt envisioned by Buckminster Fuller, Oscar Niemeyer, Minoru Yamasaki, Archigram and Michael Reynolds; and optimistic state-led programs including Greenbelt towns in the United States, state architecture in the former nation of Yugoslavia and the Palast der Republik in East Germany. Along the way, we will examine literary, philosophical and artistic pushes to utopian or dystopian futures, from The Communist Manifesto to current commentaries on the world after coronavirus. [ARCH 330]